Mission has always been an important part of our churches and we plan to continue our commitment to reach our local communities and nations around the world with the Gospel. This is the Commission given to the church to “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.” Mark 16:15.
Our strategy communicates where we should go through what Jesus said to the first church before His ascension. It outlines what we must do through the assignment God has given to our church.
Where we should go
Jesus said “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be My witnesses, telling people about Me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8
There are four places Jesus mentioned to go to telling people everywhere about Him.
Using the context of approximate location and distance we have established what our four places will be to go to:
Jerusalem – is our local communities.
Mission must first start in our local area reaching to the needs of the area and leading people to Christ using the Gospel.
Judea – is our nation.
Mission must flow out of our local area to the needs of our nation being Australia. It’s defined as a Christian Nation however the reality is it is far from it and quickly moving further away unless the church steps in.
Samaria – is our region.
The region is defined by those countries who are our neighbours. This is a partnership with the countries located in the Asia Pacific region. Most of these countries have already been influenced by the gospel, but still need our help through working together to make Christ known.
Ends of the earth – is our world.
Scattered throughout the world are unreached people groups who have never heard or are unwilling to accept the gospel.
We must broaden our mission focus to include those who have never heard about Christ so that no one misses out having an opportunity to follow Christ.