We need a way to measure the effectiveness of our vision and put in place clear areas for our people to be involved. We believe the church’s responsibility to provide opportunity to our people to use their gifts in each purpose that is important to us.
The three areas of involvement are:
1. Church
Church comes under the purpose “Connecting people to Jesus”. This is where people connect with Jesus through our Sunday Services, Prayer & Pastoral Care. They could be doing this the first time or as a regular act of worship.
- Church attendance against Church fellowship
- Decisions made to follow Christ
- Our people actively involved in a Sunday Service
2. Groups
Groups come under the purpose “Growing people to be like Jesus”. This area is where the activity of growth takes place. Ministries such as Life Groups, Age Related groups & Church courses are found here to promote growth in our people.
- Attendance in Life Groups
- New Life Groups established
- Attendance in Age Related ministries
- Church courses regularly promoted and offered
- Participation in church courses
3. Mission
Mission come under the purpose “Equipping people to serve Jesus”. This area is more about serving and we ensure our people are ready to serve through equipping them with the right tools to be effective ministers. Serving will be promoted within the church, however we encourage everyone to serve in areas outside the church for the purpose of promoting Christ. Serving takes place in Local outreach and Global outreach.
- Our prople actively involved in local community
- Our people actively involved in global outreach
- Regular overseas mission trips and support
- New areas of involvement developed
Identifying areas of involvement is equally important. To help our people to be involved there will be regular promotion for ‘areas of need’ and booklets could be published and distributed to our people highlighting where they can be involved according to the gifts God has given to them.